The project, titled (From Farm to Off-taker), is a collaborative effort involving Labent Nigeria Ltd. (Off-takers), Miisha Farms Ltd. (Farmers), and Agro Preciso Ltd. (Technical Support Provider) aimed at ensuring sustainable agricultural produce supply. Labent Nigeria Ltd., provides 1,000 hectares of farmland for rice production. Miisha Farms Ltd. will manage crop production, while Agro Preciso Ltd. provides technical expertise in irrigation and farm planning.
Agro Preciso Ltd.'s irrigation pivot system technology and farm planning methods are set to be installed on the 1,000 hectares of land. This technology, coupled with efficient farm planning methods, is projected to yield 12,000 tons annually.
A joint farm visit revealed insights into the suitability of the land and its capacity to yield 6,000 tons per cycle with Agro Preciso's technology.
Overall, the project aims to establish a mutually beneficial and efficient raw material supply chain, leveraging the strengths of all parties involved, with a focus on Agro Preciso's innovative irrigation pivot system technology and farm planning methods.